Monday, December 21, 2009


I'll be away from the computer for a couple of more weeks. Y'all keep after 'em in the meantime.


Call Me Mom said...

Merry Christmas to you and yours, Mr. Morris. I'm glad you posted, I was beginning to worry.

Anonymous said...

Yay Christmas!

Now all I need is an actual Christian Mass-type thing to attend. I bet they'll have something like that around here somewhere, unless I already missed it. I feel like I'm getting a (new) handle on this whole Gospel thing and why it's a good thing.

Of course, I do still like to hear the angels sing, as well.

Robson Valente said...

hello, I'm from Brazil, I visited your page like it! visit mine and leave a comment it ...the translator of languages is in the right corner to bottom ... hug and happy new year

Call Me Mom said...

Hey Terry,
Get back here, the vultures are beginning to circle.↑

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure bot's don't actually care whether anyone's home, though.

Call Me Mom said...

No, they don't, but at least one can delete their posts if one is home.

SR said...

I see it has been more than a couple of weeks Terry, I hope everything is OK on your end.

The_Editrix said...

I miss you too, Terry! Just drop us a brief line.

DR said...

Happy Valentines Day Terry.