Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Reasons not to give to NRO, courtesy of WMH

In another excellent entry, Hermes over at Wise Man's Heart, offers us several good reasons not to support NRO. The same reasons that Kathryn Jean Lopez offers us for why we should donate to NRO...

(Plucked at random) From Hermes's entry:

Jay Nordlinger: Wrote that George W. Bush is a "Rushmore-level President" and that if history doesn't bear that out, "history will be wrong." Also that "I have a deep fondness — love, really — for the man, though I don't know him."

"George W. Bush is a "Rushmore-level" President?" ROTFL!!! Sorry y'all, if it weren't so funny, I'd be crying. I may well go through the range of emotions on this'n.

But y'all check out Hermes's post.