VA has a nice post up this morning lamenting the fact that we now have such GOP 'top tier' presidential contenders as Giuliani climbing on the 'no amnesty for illegals' bandwagon. VA rightly discerns, in my opinion, the true motives of candidates like Giuliani, and perhaps even Mitt Romney as political expediency, not a genuine concern for the dire immigration situation in this country...
Perhaps it's true that some of these so-called 'leaders' of ours didn't formerly understand the extensiveness of the immigration situation here in the United States, and are now really coming to grips with the situation and the need to address it. I will give them all benefit enough to admit that this is indeed a possibility. But truly, y'all, is it wise of us, while being 'fair' to all the candidates in giving them the benefit of the doubt on this question, to allow that tendency of ours of being fair to everyone translate into considering their candidacies as legitimate? I don't think so, how about you?
While I'm glad to see such 'high profile' individuals like New York's former mayor at least expressing some level of sanity on the idea of giving amnesty to illegal aliens already in this country, I still view this 'conversion,' and others like it with a great deal of skepticism. Indeed, in Giuliani's case in particular, I think it to be politically motivated rather than a true honest-to-God conversion. And I think he lets the cat out of his own bag of tricks.
In her post, VA quotes Mayor Giuliani as having said this recently:If they ever wanted to become citizens, I would say they would have to pay a fine so it's not amnesty," Giuliani said. "Also they have to get at the back of the line, not get ahead of anybody else."
And as I said in a comment to her post directed at this specific quote, 'what kind of a school-boy, lunch-line position is that to take from someone who's supposedly a 'great American Patriot, Statesman, and Hero???'
Ladies and Gentlemen, I implore you to not be fooled by this kind of rhetoric coming from the likes of Mr. Giuliani. That's nothing more than saying “it's not fair for you to be at the front of the line since you're here illegitimately to begin with -convenient position to take, isn't it, given that almost everyone can agree with that- but since you're already here, we insist that you take your place at the back of the line; and oh, by the way, let's have some of that lunch money you got there.”
Like I implied in my comments to VA's post, that sort of a position (coming from a 'johnny-come-lately on this issue candidate like 'America's mayor) seems to me to indicate that Giuliani would sell his country off for little of nothing, and in the very process try to convince you and me that he's 'tough' on immigration for the sake of political expediency.
Well, I ain't buyin' it, Mr. Mayor! And I'll tell ya this, if I have anything to do with it whatsoever, you'll never be elected to the presidency of these United States!
Perhaps you and others truly are experiencing a change of heart on this issue, among others. Fine. But while you go through that process of unlearning that which has become rather habitual for you and they, you oughta be relegated by the voting public to low levels of government servanthood, if any at all. Indeed, I would say that if you had the character that a position like the Presidency requires to be entrusted to you safely, you would admit to yourself and to the general public that such a change of heart at such a time as this would rather tend to disqualify you from serving as President, or in any national political capacity for that matter.
So, my advice to you, Rudy, is to take some time off. Recuse thyself from the race based on the evident fact that you're not qualified, sir. Another way of saying it would be this, follow your own newly to be had inclination on 'immigration reform' and move thyself to the back of the line; you're at the front illegitimately.
In other words, begone child, there's enough confusion to go around without your adding more to it.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
No Cutting In Line
Posted by
Terry Morris
7:10 AM
Labels: '08, GOP, Immigration, Presidential Candidates, Tom Tancredo, Vanishing American
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Great post; well-said.
And thanks for the link and the kind words.
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