I first learned of this the other night while listening to the post debate CNN panel which included Bill Bennett who mentioned the Coburn endorsement in the same breath with other "major" endorsements Senator McCain had received of late, including Mayor Giuliani and Governor Schwartzenegger (Good company there, Senator.).
Bennett was going over a list of endorsements Senator McCain had received, and was about to receive, which would increase the likelihood, thus reducing the chances of Governor Romney to save the Republican party of the embarrassment and disaster, of a McCain nomination.
Below is entered the text of the official press release which I picked up at John McCain's presidential website:
Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn Endorses John McCain For President
ARLINGTON, VA -- U.S. Senator John McCain's presidential campaign today announced that Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK) has endorsed John McCain for President of the United States. Senator Coburn issued the following statement on his endorsement:"I am honored to be here in South Carolina today, and I am very proud to endorse my friend and colleague Senator John McCain for President of the United States. John McCain and I have stood side-by-side on many issues and I'd like to speak to two of them today -- fiscal responsibility and ensuring the sanctity of human life.
"Much has been made in this presidential campaign about the need for change in Washington. Candidates from both sides of the aisle have talked about bringing real reform to the federal government. But, only one candidate has a record of putting his money where his mouth is, and that's John McCain.
"Since I came to Congress in 1995, I have met one true reformer -- John McCain. He has the unique blend of character, guts, and experience needed to transform Washington from the inside out. He is beholden to no special interest. He is guided by strong conservative principles, and committed to doing what he believes is right without concern for political consequence.
"John McCain has never been afraid to take the road less traveled, and he has fought wasteful spending at every turn along the way. He's saved taxpayers untold billions, and he has rightfully earned the reputation as the Senate's number one fiscal hawk. I trust that as president, John McCain will veto any pork-barrel bill that crosses his desk, and will make the authors famous.
"When it comes to ensuring the sanctity of human life, you will find no one stronger on the issue than Senator McCain. For twenty-four years, John McCain has been an unwavering voice in Congress for the rights of the unborn.
"For those reasons and more, I urge voters here in South Carolina and across the country to join me in supporting John McCain for president."
Well, Senator, urge all you like, but this Okie will definately not be joining you in supporting the nomination of John McCain! And you can take that to the bank.
Sometimes I'm utterly amazed at the amount of disconnect which exists between conservatives in the United States and their elected representatives, though I suppose I shouldn't be.
Don't tell me, the next "major" endorsement Senator McCain is going to receive will be none other than Oklahoma's other United States Senator, Jim Inhofe, who was himself instrumental in helping kill the Senate Amnesty bill. Come to think of it, I better go check to see whether McCain hasn't already received this endorsement. ... Nope, not yet.
In any event, I feel a good thrashing of Senator Coburn coming on. And by the way, can you imagine a more representative photo of the current state of the Republican Party than this one? Like I said, nice company you're mingling with Senator Coburn. I seem to detect a slight hint of your ghost-like conservative apparition looming in the background.
RON PAUL. The Money Bomb celebrating the amazing Family Values of Dr. Ron and Carol Paul's 51st Wedding Anniversary has begun. Feb 1st. Join the Fun and help make History. The Mega MAINSTREAM MEDIA is telling you that you must vote for who they want you to vote for aka Mccain or Romney the Counterfeit Conservatives. www.ronpaul2008.com Donate $51 dollars to honor 51 one years of marriage and to push for taking the USA back from those who are Destroying the US middle class. Spread the word. God Bless Everyone.
Oh no, the Paulbots have struck!
Terry, I had seen that news a while back, and I was floored too. Coburn has a national reputation as one of the most conservative senators, yet here he is going for McCain? Not only that, but other prominent voices in the pro-life movement are taking to McCain, even though as I'm sure you saw at VFR, McCain said Justice Alito was "too conservative".
I loved the quote from Michael Graham over at VFR: "You’ve GOTTA vote Republican [if McCain is nominated]! That way we can get Souter and Miers.…oh, wait.
Never mind."
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